1997 to 2001

Pre-2002 Water Quality Testing Data

The data collected over the 5 years from 1997 through 2001 is found below. Click the links below to download the the data for each sample area.

                    Little Long Pond                             Gallows Pond
                    Long Pond                                        Halfway Pond
                    Round Pond                                     Bloody Pond North 
                                                                               Bloody Pond South

The Water Quality Summary from 2001

Let us start by saying the good news is that our ponds are healthy and clean...with some caveats.  By looking at the data sets for each of the ponds over recent years' tests and comparing the results to the qualitative criteria for "healthy" water included below each data set, one can get a rough idea of where each pond stands.  It should be noted that these data are only a few chemical measures for each pond that are widely separated in time and space.  There could be (and most likely are) wide variations in these parameters that our spot sampling does not resolve.  More frequent sampling of these and other chemical, biological, and ecological parameters would be required to get a "complete" picture of the status of our ponds.

With that said, we can see some trends starting to appear in our data. Combining these trends with general observation of the ponds over time we can't escape that our ponds are basically strong and healthy.  We are lucky to be living amongst such beautiful waters!  Turtles, frogs, fish, birds, and native plants still thrive in and around the waters of the Six Ponds.   However, signs are beginning to appear that Nature is starting to waver in its battle against the many anthropogenic insults we hurl at these waters. 

Little Long Pond is a good example of how the ponds may be starting to show signs of injury.  If you look at the data set for Little Long, you can see several red highlighted numbers.  These indicate where the "healthy" criteria discussed have been violated.  Little Long seems to be teetering on the edge in dealing with nutrient and acid inputs.  It is also at the outlet to Little Long where it joins Long Pond near the boat ramp that Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), an exotic menace, has made an appearance.  Purple Loosestrife is an invasive, introduced European plant that outcompetes native wetland plants and thus alters habitat for native flora and fauna.

We should continue to monitor for additional signs of stress in our area and, if possible, address the areas of concern as they arise.  The Six Ponds Executive Committee has and will be discussing appropriate remedial measures to tackle these and other problems in the future.  Anyone interested in helping by volunteering time, expertise or sharing knowledge of particular problems you might be aware of will help preserve and enhance the water quality of our ponds for the future.


Some Comments on the Interpretation

Actually, the situation was not quite as rosy as the one presented in the summary above. Several of our ponds exhibited one or more indicators of eutrophication in the testing conducted from 1997 to 2001.

Moderately to critically high levels of Nitrate were detected in Little Long more often than in the other ponds. Round, Gallows, and Bloody were dangerously to critically low on alkalinity in at least 4 of these years. Eutrophic levels of Phosphate were found most often in Halfway followed by Little Long, but the other ponds fared well in this regard.

The nutrients detected in Little Long could be attributed to lawn fertilizers, products with phosphate, road and lawn runoff, and especially to septic systems (many of which were quite old). Basically, human activities associated with the many homes around the pond were likely the main contributors. The nutrients in Halfway should be attributed largely to fertilizers used in cranberry growing and less to human activity since there were very few homes on the pond.

Parameters Measured

From 1997 through 2000 just 7 measurements were taken- pH, temperature, nitrate, alkalinity, total phosphate, Free CO2, and Secchi depth. In 2001, with the advice of a Woods Hole scientist, the number of parameters was expanded to 22. These parameters were coliform, pH lab, pH field, temperature, specific conductance, nitrate, nitrite, sodium, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, magnesium, hardness, alkalinity, sulfate, chloride, color, turbidity, total phosphate, free CO2, and Secchi depth. 

add the symbols to the lists above

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GENERAL GUIDELINES: Eutrophic levels

                                                     Fertilizers = NO3 + PO4 + K + Fe + Mg + Mn
Nitrate Nitrogen >0.5              Hardness = Ca+Mg+Zn+Fe

Total Phosphorous >0.03        Acid Rain = SO4 + N03
Secchi <1.5                                 PO4 = Limiting Nutrient?
                                                     Alkalinity = HCO3 + 2CO3 (Titrated)
pH: 7 is neutral                         Acid Neutralizing Capacity 

     > 7 is alkaline                       (ANC) = Sum(Basic Cations(CB)) - (Acidic Anions(AA))

                                                    Acidity = -ANC
< 7 is acidic                               CB = Ca + Mg + Na + K
                                                    AA = SO4 + NO3 + Cl
Alkalinity: <5 "Dangerous     ANC (microequivalents/L) >50 = good
                    <2 "Critical"          ANC (microequivalents/L) 0-50 = marginal
                                                   ANC (microequivalents/L) <0 = poor

Guidelines: Dr. Paul Godfrey, Limnologist, University of Massachusetts
